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Ex-Supe Denies Redistricting About Race

George Smith, the former president of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors, denies that race played a role in crafting the county's redistricting plan.

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Weekend Events Part of Violent Crime Increase

Joseph Welch never made it to work Friday.

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Could 'Teaching Tolerance' Fix Prison Pipeline?

The Mississippi Department of Corrections needs about $11.3 million to run some of its youth programs for the next two years.

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Finger Scanners Spark Concerns

Parents and child-care providers have concerns about a new state program that requires a finger scan when picking up or dropping off kids at day care.

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Enviros: Drilling Will Hurt Economy

As conservationists continue to fight the state's plan to open Mississippi waters to natural-gas drilling, one their key sticking points has to do with the economy rather than the environment.

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Building Community: Perception vs. Reality

At age 14, Joshua Dedmond had one thing on his mind: starting Jackson’s next big megachurch.

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Prisons Could See Budget Boost

MDOC Commissioner Chris Epps could soon see a budget increase.

Tease photo Politics

Following the DHS Scanner Money

In order for low-income child-care centers to get reimbursed by the state, parents and guardians must scan his or her finger when picking up or dropping off their child.

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What's the Harm in Drilling?

"People don't come down here to be in an industrial zone," Robert Wiygul, an Ocean Springs-based attorney who represents the environmental groups, told the Jackson Free Press last week.

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Energy Summit Goes After Obama

The daylong Governor's Energy Summit is taking place at the Jackson Convention Center Complex.

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The Politics of Teen Pregnancy

The Women's Fund, the state's largest grant-making organization for women, is tackling the problem of teen pregnancy head-on with an aggressive public-education campaign.

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States Resist Congress' Payday Loan Bill

The power to regulate controversial non-bank products such as installment, title and payday loans could be snatched away from states under a congressional proposal.

Tease photo Biz Roundup

Roadmaps, Endorsements, Teachers and Thick Steaks

It's been a long time coming, but the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership finally has a long-range economic roadmap for the capital city area.


Chamber Gives $200K for Lake Project

Pearl River Vision Foundation, which is working with local officials to work up a plan to reduce flooding along the Pearl River, received $200,000 from the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership …


Bryant Thrusts Miss. Into Immigration Suit

Gov. Phil Bryant has signed Mississippi onto a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration for the president's recent decision to stop deporting young undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

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Black Lawmakers: Not Expanding Medicaid 'Irresponsible'

Democratic members of the Mississippi Legislature are calling on fellow lawmakers to fully participate in the expansion of the state Medicaid program allowed under the recently upheld federal health-care reform …

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ACA: 'Great But Not Perfect'

If anything, last week's U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal health-care overhaul—the Affordable Care Act—provided one more reason to mobilize for the November presidential election.

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Miss. Power's Credit Sinks

The financial woes continue for Mississippi Power Co. and its planned coal-fired power plant in Kemper County.

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Proposal 'Mean Spirited'?

Ward 1 Councilman Quentin Whitwell wants to lock people up for panhandling.

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Our Itty-Bitty 'Green' Car

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and former President Bill Clinton helped roll out an energy-efficient vehicle in Horn Lake on July 6.